Broussa Day Nursery Children Welcome Local Guide Dog

Broussa Day Nursery and Nursery School has recently been visited by a very special guest – Carter the trainee guide dog.

Children at Broussa Day Nursery welcomed Carter and his handlers from the Guide Dog Association into the setting and learned all about the important job he is training for.

It has been a fantastic opportunity for the children to not only experience and gain confidence being around a different animal to the ones they have at nursery, but also gain an understanding about the use of guide dogs.

Broussa Day Nursery teaches children about the world around them. They receive regular visits from people in the community and learn about others who may be different from themselves. This experience with Carter was valuable in developing an understanding and awareness of those with sensory impairments.

To find out more about Broussa Day Nursery and Nursery School and the incredible facilities or to register for a place, please contact the Nursery Manager directly on 0161 928 5178.